Oh yes our favourite time of year… get your lederhosen out, practice your yodelling, and brush up on your bavarian!
It’s our annual Oktoberfest, we recreate this German tradition upstairs at The Red Lion, complete with German beers, steins, complete with a live Oompah Band!
This is a truly fun filled evening, with music, singing, games and litres of German Beer! Customers are encouraged to wear lederhosen, dirndls, and any other Bavaria outfits they could think of (believe me we’ve had them all!) A night not to be missed.
Ticket go on sale on 1st July at 12pm, they are only available to buy in the pub and will see out fast so make sure you get yours!
If you have been previously and have purchased a stein from us tickets are £9 each, but you MUST bring your stein along with you on the evening.
If you’re a new comer or need a new stein, then the tickets are £14, which gets you a stein to keep and entry to the event.