EuroVision Party!

The Red Lion 42 South Street, Manningtree, Essex, United Kingdom

Book a table to watch the Eurovision finals on the big screen! Why not come in Eurovision fancy dress, Jedwood, Abba, Bucksfizz, Conceit Wurst who every your Eurovision hero is! There'll be a sweep steak and a raffle and all proceed (including ticket sales) will go to Crohns & Colitis UK and help support Manningtree


Film Screening Fundraiser – Where Olive Trees Weep

The Red Lion 42 South Street, Manningtree, Essex, United Kingdom

A community fundraising event raising awareness around the ongoing suffering of families in Palestine. Join us for the screening of the award winning film "Where Olive Trees Weep", a powerful portrayal of the Palestinian struggle for survival, resilience & identity...  Come together for an evening of film, live music, drinks, conversation & community in support

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